Website Manager

Central Kitsap Soccer Club

Team Management

Being a successful coach involves much more than coaching the game’s techniques and tactics. You are also an important figure in the lives of your players. We hope that you find the season rewarding. Please know you DO make a difference!

Before the season starts or at the first practice; it is advisable to meet with your prospective players and their parents to lay out the new seasons goals and objectives. Ask for needed help; be specific …don’t expect parents to read minds and clearly state each person’s involvement. (IF you have parents assisting on the field with the players, they will have to complete an RMA also). Let players and parents know that sportsmanship is a priority…and yes this means parents and coaches too.

Be sure your expectations are appropriate to the age and ability of the players, and be sure they understand what you expect. Think positive! Both you and the players should enjoy the season. If the team…including the coach…practices good sportsmanship, everyone will have a successful season.

Talk with your volunteers, game referees and other coaches (both your opponents and those who are members of your club) who support your soccer program about the common purpose of serving all these youth. Let’s all work together!


Please note the primary form of communication with coaches and teams is through e-mail, so we ask you to ensure your e-mail addresses are updated in your Sports Connect profile. The secondary form of communication is through the General Meetings held on the second Tuesday of every month.

Important information you should discuss with the parents of your team members:

  1. Know of any special needs your player(s) may have (allergies; health conditions (mental, physical, emotional); etc.).
  2. Ask if personal contact information (phone #s and emails) may be shared with the team's families. If not, please do not share.
  3. Ensure all parents know what time practice begins and ends.
  4. Provide the website for field directions or give accurate directions to away field locations.
  5. Be sure everyone knows the expected arrival time.


Before playing, inspect for hidden hazards (drains, sprinklers, broken bottles, holes, etc.)

Keep a first aid kit on hand.

Be aware of environmental hazards (heat, cold, wind, thunderstorms, insects, etc.).

If an injury occurs, seek appropriate treatment. Always inform parents of any injuries, no matter how minor you feel it may be; discuss any and all situations that concern you.

DO NOT allow anyone to play on goal posts or crossbar. This has caused serious injuries and, in some cases, fatal accidents.

Field Setup and Field Take Down

If you are the first game of the day you have "field set up". If you are the last game of the day you have "field take down". If you are the only game of the day you have "field set up" AND "field take down".

If you have "field set up" it is your responsibility to ensure the field has been lined in both directions, (to ensure the lines show between each mowing) and place flags at each corner of the field (all of these materials are found inside the coaches shed at Howerton Soccer Complex).

If you have "field take down" it is your responsibility to remove the corner flags and return them to the coaches shed at Howerton Soccer Complex.

NOTE: The U7 through U10 teams have game fields at Howerton Soccer Complex were the goals and nets remain up all season long. For safety reasons please ensure no one climbs on the goal or entangles themselves in the net.


Coaches are responsible for maintaining their sidelines. Please read our Sideline Behavior Policy to know what you are responsible for.

U11 & Above at the bottom of each match report additional information is required for the Ranking System being used for the Tom Higby Sportsmanship Award. The rankings are - 1 = Poor, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Outstanding. Each team is to be considered to be at a rating of 3 when they arrive at the pitch. In the comments box give kudos for awarding an opponent a score of 4 (i.e. "Nice job in the face of a massive scoring defeat").  As well as give specific examples and constructive pointers on how a team fell from 3 to a 2... or hopefully never, a 1 (i.e. "Sideline fan control recommended." or "Referee misconduct report of xx Yellows and y Reds, reflects need for focus on improved sportsmanship by our opponent").

If you are not sure what each ranking's meaning is then please visit the District IV website or click on the link "The Tom Higby Sportsmanship Award for specific definitions". 

Coaching Resources

Coaching resources for fundamentals and tactics:

National Soccer Coaches Association of America

Soccer Specifics

Soccer Help